Mechanical Properties of Material

 Mechanical Properties of Material

            Some mechanical properties are:

Mechanical Properties of Material
Mechanical Properties of Material.

        Study of various mechanical properties plays a important role because selection of material, design and manufacturing of various components or parts of a machine depends upon the mechanical properties.

  1. Strength  
                    The ability of a material to resist its failure under the action of load is called as strength of material. Material should have sufficient length when subjected to tension, compression, bending shear force and torque.

     2. Elasticity        

            Elasticity, ability of a deformed material body to return to its original shape and size when the forces causing the deformation are removed. A body with this ability is said to behave (or respond) elastically.

    3. Stiffness

            A material’s ability to resist significant elastic deformation while loading. The less deformation a material exhibits during loading, the stiffer it is.

   4. Flexibility

        Flexibility is used as an attribute of various types of systems. In the field of engineering systems design, it refers to designs that can adapt when external changes occur. Flexibility has been defined differently in many fields of engineering, architecture, biology, economics, etc. In the context of engineering design one can define flexibility as the ability of a system to respond to potential internal or external changes affecting its value delivery, in a timely and cost-effective manner. 

        Thus, flexibility for an engineering system is the ease with which the system can respond to uncertainty in a manner to sustain or increase its value delivery. Uncertainty is a key element in the definition of flexibility. Uncertainty can create both risks and opportunities in a system, and it is with the existence of uncertainty that flexibility becomes valuable.

  5. Plasticity

    Plasticity is the propensity of a material to undergo enduring deformation under load when compressed. It is the quality or state of being plastic; especially the capacity for being molded or altered.

      The plasticity of a material is directly proportional to the ductility and malleability of the material.       

     Ideal plasticity is a property of materials to undergo irreversible deformation without any increase in stresses or loads.

Plasticity may cause fracture or rupture of material. Plasticity also causes plastic deformation, which occurs in many metal-forming processes, including:

  • Rolling/pressing
  • Forging
  • Wire drawing
  6. Ductility

        The property of material which enables it to be drawn into thin wire under the action of tensile load is called as ductility.

            Mild Steel, copper, aluminium, tin, silver, brass are the example of ductile material.

  7. Malleability

            It is the properties of a material by virtue of which it can be beaten up into sheet without cracking when hammered.

            whereby a material can be plastic deformed and shaped when cold.

A malleable material can be plastic shaped with hammering or rolling without fracture.

Typical malleable materials: mild steel, gold, lead.

 8. Toughness

        The property which resists the fracture under the action of impact loading is called as toughness. Toughness is energy for failure by fracture.

        In materials science and metallurgy, toughness is the ability of a material to absorb energy and elastically deform without fracturing. One definition of material toughness is the amount of energy per unit volume that a material can absorb before rupturing.

  9. Resilience 

    Resilience is a system’s ability to recover from a fault and maintain persistency of service dependability in the face of faults.

        Resilience engineering, then, starts from accepting the reality that failures happen, and, through engineering, builds a way for the system to continue despite those failures. Good resilience engineering produces a system that can adapt.

 Resiliency can be built into any system, and it offers a lens to look at critical areas like cybersecurity and operations.

 10. Hardness

        A material’s ability to withstand friction, essentially abrasion resistance, is known as hardness.

 Diamonds are among the hardest substances known to man, it is incredibly difficult to scratch a diamond.

 However, while a diamond is hard it is not tough. If you took a hammer to a diamond it would shatter, which demonstrates that not all materials that are hard are also tough. 

 In the world of metal tools, drill bits and grinding discs must be extremely hard to be able to handle high amounts of friction.

 11. Brittleness
        His is a mechanical property of a material manifested by failure without undergoing any deformation on application of stress. Materials with this property have elastic proportionality in stress and strain.

 Most of the materials that have brittleness are normally ceramics, glass and cold metals. Brittleness in metals helps in determining the critical cooling temperature that transforms a ductile material into a brittle material. Therefore, it is a crucial topic in the marine industry.

 12. Creep

        A slow and gradual deformation (or change in dimensions) of materials under a certain applied load. Measured by the influence of time and temperature. Typically occurs at high temperatures, but can also occur at room temperature, albeit much more slowly.

13. Fatigue

        Material fatigue is a phenomenon where structures fail when subjected to a cyclic load. This type of structural damage occurs even when the experienced stress range is far below the static material strength. Fatigue is the most common source behind failures of mechanical structures.

14. Machinability

         Machinability is defined as the ease with which a material can be machined to intended geometry and purpose at a satisfactory cost. The machinability often regarded as the work piece material property, however, the ease of machining also depends on other factors such as rigidity of cutting tool. 

         Good machinability related to removal of material with moderate forces, good surface finish, small chips, and with minimum tool wear. It is difficult to maintain all these objectives at once for a machining operation. For example, the fine-grained material results in good surface finish but have high resistance to machining. So it is always a challenge to engineers to find ways to improve machinability without spoiling the performance.